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Accounting For Your Deals

Accounting is accessible from the left main menu under “Deals/Accounting.”

A screenshot showing the Accounting tab under the Deal menu

When a deal is created, two entries are recorded in the “Deals/Accounting” section: BCP and BSP.

To filter all accounting entries related to a deal, use the available search options. In the example below, I used a simple search by the code of the deal, 752:

BCP – the amount to be paid by the customer
BSP – the amount to pay to the product supplier

A screenshot showing two payment entries in the accounting tab

If customer or supplier invoices are issued, the codes of the invoices will be displayed in Accounting.

A screenshot showing four payment entries in the accounting tab and the related invoices

When receiving a payment from the customer under “Operations/Customer Payments,” Accounting is updated. I have received a payment of 1000 EUR, which is a partial payment. The entry is visible in Accounting with a CP type:

A screenshot showing the updated payment entry once the payment has been received from a customer

When registering a payment to the supplier under “Operations/Supplier Payments,” Accounting is updated. I have registered a payment of 500 EUR, which is a partial payment. The entry is visible in Accounting with a SP type:

A screenshot showing the updated payment entry once the payment has been received from a supplier

All Accounting entries can be manually edited using the Edit option.

A new Accounting entry can be manually added using the “+New” option available.

A screenshot showing how to add a new entry or edit existing ones