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How to Add An Alternative Product

Alternative products will replace supplement products if they are linked to them.

An alternative product can be added to any product supplement that is not a main package product, with its attributes being either Mandatory or Optional. A product supplement can be linked to more than one alternative product, sharing the same characteristics (such as day of the tour, duration, and Mandatory or Optional attributes) as the product supplement to which it is linked.

In The Trip Designer

  • An alternative product may be added in Trip Designer for trips (including those related to Deals): in Editor/Package Contents, click on the Edit symbol next to the supplement you want to add an alternative for, then select Add Alternative:
A screenshot showing the edit button that appears next to a product in the trip designer
A screenshot showing the trip designer with the add alternative to a product button

In The Package Manager

  • An alternative product may be added in the Package Manager for products without trips.

To do this, use the search fields available in the Product List section, on the right side, to find the alternative product. When found, drag and drop the alternative product over the supplement product from the Package Tree section on the left. If the dragging is correctly executed, the symbol for Alternative should appear next to the supplement (as shown in the screenshot below) before dropping the alternative product. The attribute of this product will always be “Alternative”:

A screenshot showing the package manager and how to drag and drop a product on top of another to create an alternative product
A screenshot showing the alternative product setting window in the package manager

When creating a Deal for such a product, the Alternative is visible in the Deal Process:

A screenshot showing the booking wizard and the alternatives under a product in a package

After the Deal is saved, the Alternative has an arrangement created and is visible in the list of arrangements, marked with an “A”.

A screenshot showing the alternative product in a deal in the list of arrangements. The alternative product has an A to the left of its name

To switch the arrangement to this alternative, click on the “A” symbol and confirm “YES”:

A screenshot showing how to switch to the alternative product and the confirmation window

If switched, the function is exchanged between products (supplement/alternative) as seen below:

A screenshot showing the switched products

If the Alternative is no longer needed, you may delete the arrangement corresponding to it, and the supplement to which it belongs will not be deleted. However, if you delete a supplement that has alternatives, the supplement along with all its alternatives will be removed from the arrangements list.