Operations – Import Bank Statements
Please contact us if you would like to utilize this feature!
Setting Up The Feature
For this service, your bank will provide either a Coda (CDA) file or an MT940 type file. Based on the first file received, we will configure your Victoury account to enable the import of bank statements:
"banktype": "",
"bankAccountNumber": "",
"defaultAccountingNumber": "",
"exchangeDifferenceAccountingNumber": "",
"statementNumber": "",
"paymentType": "",
"beginAmount": "",
"filetype": "C"
Once all details have been configured, you may begin importing statements. These statements will update Operations/Customer Payment, Operations/Supplier Payment, and Deals/Accounting. In Accounting, operations such as Customer Payment (CP) or Supplier Payment (SP) will be registered. Payments that have not been matched will be registered with an ACC type.
Firstly, check the LAST STATEMENT FIGURES to determine the number of the next statement to be imported. After verifying the number, CLICK TO SELECT and upload the file from your computer:

The files provided by the bank contain details related to payments.
We recommend requesting your customers to specify details of the payment, such as the deal code, invoice code, or supplier reference, in addition to the customer or supplier name. When they proceed with the payment, if these conditions are met, the matching will automatically occur upon statement import into Victoury.
If such details are not provided in the file, the payment lines will be displayed with an ERR status and a “No payments found” message (or another message, according to the situation) for the log, and the distribution of amounts must be done manually.
Matching the Payments
From the list displaying payment lines with ERR status, click on the status or log and a new operational window will open on the right side of the screen.
- At this point, clicking on the plus sign creates a payment line without details. If you are unsure where to match this payment, drag it to the payment line on the left, and an ACC type payment will be created in Deals/Accounting.

After dragging, you also have the option to edit the amount:

- On the upper side of the screen, you have the option to search for the deal to match the payment with (in case you know the deal code). On the right side of the screen, the search results are displayed. Drag the matching result to your payment line on the left.

After dragging the deal to the payment, you have the option to edit the amount to be matched. This means you can split a payment across more than one deal if necessary. To do this, search for as many deals as needed and edit the amounts accordingly.

When ready, click the SAVE button next to the search bar. You will be redirected to the payment list again, with the status now OK and the log empty. Click SAVE again using the button at the left bottom of the page.

Statuses And Logs
When importing a statement, the following statuses may be encountered:
- ERR with log ” No payment found ” – the system did not identify any details for customer or supplier payment. This indicates payments must be matched and assigned correctly.
- IMP with log ” Payment already imported ” – this payment has already been matched and assigned.
- ERR with log ” No deal found ” or “No invoice found” – the coda file contains a deal or invoice code that does not match any existing in your system.
- ERR with log ” Payments found but not matched ” – it means the suggested amount does not match with either Down Payment or Rest Payment.
- ERR with a log indicating a supplier was found but payment not matched, or supplier payments found but not matched with the total supplier payment not equaling the amount from the statement file.
- OK – with log Payments matched if automatic matching occurred, or no log for manual matching of ERR statuses.
Only if the status is OK for all payment lines, is the import ready to be saved and certified by the system => after SAVE the status will change to IMP – Payment imported.
Cases For Matching Payments And Related Statuses
1. Matching by invoice code
- If the coda file contains an invoice code, the system checks for a corresponding Customer Payment.
- The system then verifies if the suggested amount matches the Down Payment or Rest Payment.
- If they are equal => status OK and Log “Payments matched”
- If they are not equal => The Rest Payment is checked and if RP equals the suggested amount => status OK and Log column empty.
- If the suggested amount does not match Down Payment nor Rest Payment, then, the Total from Customer Payment is checked
- If they are equal => status OK and Log “Payments matched”
2. Matching by deal code
- If the details include a deal code, the system checks for a corresponding Customer Payment and its Down Payment or Rest Payment.
- if the Deal and Customer Payment are found, the system checks if Down Payment equals the suggested amount:
- if Down Payment equals the suggested amount => status OK and Log column empty
- if Down Payment – DP does not qual the suggested amount, the Rest Payment – RP is checked. If DP and RP are equal => status OK and Log column empty.
- if the suggested amount does not equal DP nor RP, the Total from Customer Payment is checked.
3. Matching by supplier reference and supplier name
- If the details include a supplier reference and name, the system checks if a Supplier Payment matches the total amount from the statement file.