Products – Create and Edit Packages
To create a package product type, you may add a new product (See Products – add a product article.) and check the “Is Package” option. You can also edit an existing product and transform it into a package product later.
To create the price of your package, you can proceed in two different ways:
- Set a price for the main package product and add supplements without checking “Include in Total”.

Example: If your package price is 1000EUR, don’t check “Included in Total” for the supplements’ prices (in the above example, the supplement is Daily Massage).
When the product is booked, the price charged will be the price of the package, in this case, 1000EUR, as the system will not add the price of the Daily Massage supplement to the total.
- Set the price for the main package product to zero and add supplements with prices that will build up the package’s final price.
This means checking “Included in Total” for the prices that will build the final price of the package.
To add a price to your package type product, see the Add a price to a product article and don’t forget to check the “One Time Charge” box so the price is applied only once for the entire duration of the product.
The Package Manager
The package manager tab is split into four sections:
- upper left corner: the package tree where you can see what products are added as supplements
- upper right corner: search for products to be added as supplements
- lower right corner: the prices about to be linked to the supplements selected
- lower left corner: the prices that have been already linked to the supplements
To add a product as a supplement, search for the product in the Product List field, then drag and drop it into the Package Tree area until properly set.
If you need to edit or delete a supplement from the Package Tree, select the product and click on the edit or delete symbol.
Edit Package Details

- Attribute types
Mandatory – product will be loaded as an arrangement.
Optional – The product will be loaded as an arrangement only if selected in the booking process or when editing an existing reservation.
Mandatory-optional – The product will be loaded as an arrangement even if not selected by the customer in the booking process or when editing an existing reservation.
Buy – For this product, an arrangement will not be created. It is used only to calculate the sell price of the package in the calculation sheet and to be loaded in supplier orders if the package is booked.
Info – No arrangement is created for this product. It is used only as an info product, saved only in case of an itinerary deal (when there is a trip linked to a deal).
- Included in Total
Check this checkbox if you intend for your package supplement’s price to be added to the package price total. For the main product package and supplements that are checked as “Included in Total”, the price will be calculated and added to the total in the Deal price.
Check this checkbox if you want a supplement to be displayed in the Deal and printed on different templates.
- Dynamic dates
This checkbox works together with the “Duration” and “Day of Tour” fields. It offers the possibility to set up packages without enforcing the “Day of Tour” and with dynamic duration. If dynamic duration is set for the package root, the “Day of Tour” fields are disabled since the operator will control the dates for both the package root and supplements.
In the booking flow, when loading the package structure, the system automatically sets the dynamic duration for the package root and supplements to the searched period, with the option to manually change these dates to any other date if supplement prices are available for that period. If no supplement price covers the selected period, a warning is shown.
Additionally, for the package root and supplements marked as dynamic, a date range selector is shown under each package supplement or, if duration has been set, the operator has the possibility to set a start date, and the end date is automatically calculated by the system based on the start date + duration of the supplement.
When a package is selected to be booked and the package you selected has dynamic dates logic, the system automatically sets the following dates:
- For each supplement with no duration set, the start and end date of the searched period.
- For supplements, the system sets the start date as the first available price’s start date and calculates the end date based on the duration set at the supplement level.
- Dates are modifiable by the operator, and the system runs a validation logic.
- For supplements with no prices at all for the selected period, the system displays an error message and, using the dedicated button, clears the package structure of the supplements that have no price.
The system displays warnings or errors in the following cases:
- No price has been found for a supplement in the calculated or selected period.
- The minimum booking quantity does not match the duration calculated or set because it’s less than what is set as the Minimum booking quantity.
- Duration
Add the duration of the supplement in this field. For example, if you have a 3 days package, the accommodation may be applied for all 3 days.
- Day of Tour
Add the number of the day of the tour when you want the supplement to be added to the package. If “Dynamic Dates” is set, this field is disabled.
- Prices
To link a price to a product, click on the product name from the package tree and drag and drop the price from the “Price List” tab to the “Linked Prices” tab.
If you want to remove a linked price, click on the “X” symbol for deletion.
If there are no prices linked for the supplements, during the booking flow the system will search for prices of the supplement available in the searched period and the operator may select one of these if more than one is found.
Add Alternative products
– Alternative: A product will replace the supplement product if linked to it. This will happen in the booking process or when editing arrangements of a Deal.
– An Alternative product can be added to any product supplement that is not a main package product, and its attribute is either mandatory or optional. A product supplement can have more than one alternative product, and it has the same definitions as the product supplement it is linked to.
– Only mandatory (except the main package product – even if it is added as a sub-package in a package) and optional supplement products can have alternative products linked to them.
– Adding an alternative for a main package product added inside another package is not allowed.
To add an alternative product, search for it in the Product List in the Package Manager and drag and drop it over the product to which the alternative belongs.
The alternative is marked with an “A” and in blue color: