Create An Asset For Your Product
An Asset will become part of another product. For example, in the CRUISE category, the Asset is a vessel. This Asset can be integrated into multiple products, and its information will be showcased on websites in the detailed product view if the product is published online, or in PDF documents (such as Travel Plans or Offers).
Types of Assets defined in Victoury:
- Hotel
- Train
- Vessel
To create an Asset, navigate to ‘Assets’ from the main left menu and click the ‘+’ icon to add a new entry.

Fill in the mandatory information and click CREATE:

The Vessel ‘Belvedere’ is now in your Assets List. Edit it to add all
relevant information about this asset.
The texts support multiple languages. You can add more translations if necessary. Include both a long and a short description.
The Multimedia section allows you to add images and videos.
Unit Types for Assets
- Hotel unit types are defined as Room Types/Room Count.
- Vessel Unit Types are defined as Cabin Types/Cabin count.
- Train Unit Types are defined as Unit Types/Unit Count.

You can add as many room types as necessary using the ADD NEW button.
For each room type, you can add details:
- Type 1 and Type 2 use the Price_Type_1 and Price_Type_2 choice lists, as defined in Settings/CHOICE LISTS.
- Room Count – the number of available rooms of this type.
- Adults Capacity, Children Capacity, Infants Capacity – the capacity of each room for these categories of travelers.
- Multimedia – set images for each room type.
- Texts – Short and Long descriptions to be set for each room type.

Once the Asset is created, you may link it to a product. To do this, go to the Product List and open the Product. In the Product details, you will find the Linked Entries section. Click on the — sign to search for and link the Asset, then SAVE:

You can also unlink an Asset from a product at any time.