Group Tours – Allotments For Groups in Victoury
As a new feature, VCT enables the TO to obtain a comprehensive overview and interface for managing GroupTour allotments, reflecting the terms under which these allotments have been secured.
A GroupTour product can be established either through the VCT Calcsheet or by crafting a new package in VCT Products or Trip Designer.
Such products are distinguishable by a GroupCode at the product level.
GroupTour Allotments are created as allotment records of type GROUP, each marked by a distinct TourCode.
A GroupTour package can include numerous product supplements, which may be optional or mandatory and are considered when formulating a deal for a customer.
Some products fall under the “Buy” attribute type. Their prices, classified as “Buy”, are intended for inputting purchase costs and are not incorporated as arrangements in a deal.
Every GroupTour product may feature multiple departure dates, each associated with unique TourCodes. These TourCodes, distinct for each allotment, ensure that no two allotment entries share the same TourCode, even if their product IDs differ. They are stored in the Allotment/Starting dates section for each product, referred to as GroupTour Allotments.
For each GroupTour Allotment, there could be numerous buy prices, which are utilized to ascertain the precise buy price upon the group tour’s return.
A Supplier can be specified for each buy price, either at the product or price level.
“Buy” and “Variable/Buy” types can be configured as follows:
- is per person true – with settings for minimum and maximum numbers of persons
- is per person false – where the settings for minimum and maximum numbers of persons are not applicable
- one time charge true – indicating the cost covers the entire allotment period
- one time charge false – where the cost is based on days or nights, if Charge Night is true
The total buy price of a GroupTour Allotment is the sum of all “Buy” type prices set for the allotment’s season, considering the minimum and maximum person settings (if is per person true) depending on the number of persons booked.
The more persons booked, the higher the margin generated.
A “Buy” type price record may be linked to one or more GroupTour Allotment records. The start and end dates of the GroupTour Allotment record should align with the season dates of the “Buy” type price. If multiple “Buy” type prices match the season start and end dates to the GroupTour Allotment record’s start and end dates, the system will choose the least expensive option for calculating the GroupTour Allotment’s buy price.
“Buy” type prices are not shown in the booking process and cannot be added as arrangements.
“Variable/Buy” types are displayed in the booking process and can be added as arrangements, but they, like “Buy” types, are considered when generating a supplier invoice for GroupTours.
Both “Buy” and “Variable/Buy” types are attached to products that are either mandatory or optional supplements of the main GroupTour package.
“Variable” and “Variable/Buy” types are employed when loading the product as an arrangement.
“Buy” types are utilized to determine the total buy price for each GroupTour Allotment.
Group Tours Listing
Access to Group Tours functionality is through the Group Tours menu option among Products.

List View and Search
The Group Tours list showcases all allotments of type GROUP, marked with a tourCode, and if the Product Source is Local or Backoffice, availability is generated for the whole period.
If the Product Source is neither Local nor Backoffice, availability is not required.
Advanced search facilitated by:
- Tour Code
- Product Code
- Country Area
- Status
- Dates Interval
- Average Age Interval
- Duration Interval

List Functionalities
- Edit – for a selected record
- Create Supplier Invoice – for a selected record
- Print – for a selected record
Group Tour Details

The Recalculate Availability button in the upper menu activates the recalculation of availability for this specific Group Tour Allotment, based on system bookings.
The Allotments Tab

The Group Tour Allotment Information Section

- Product Code – clickable link to Product Details
- Product Name
- Brand – displays a list of all product brands
- Group Code
- Tour Code
- Start date
- End date
- Duration (days)
- Status
- PriceType 2
- Allow overbooking
- Minimum Traveler Age
- Maximum Traveler Age
- Number – total number of allotted places
- Free – total number of free places
- Booked – total number of places booked in deals of type Booking
- Option – total number of places booked in deals of type Option
- Waiting – Number calculated from Booked + Option – Number, indicating that if overbooking is allowed, the system permits booking beyond the allotted number, and the difference represents those on the waiting list
- Parties – displays the last used party number for the GroupTour Allotment
GroupTour Allotment Parties
The Parties field shows the last used party number for the allotment.
Upon creating an allotment entry, the last used party number field is set to 0.
When a deal of type B (Booking) is made with a TourCode that matches the allotment’s TourCode, the party number for the travelers is updated to last used party number + 1, and the Parties field in the allotment is adjusted to reflect the new last used party number.
This mechanism does not apply to deals of type O (Options), regardless of the updateAvailability setting.
When a deal of type B (Booking) with a matching TourCode is modified:
- Utilizing the CREATE PARTY function in the Travelers section updates the new party number to last used party number + 1, and the Parties field is accordingly updated.
- If Travelers are transferred between Parties, leaving one Party empty does not alter the last used party number or recalculate other party numbers.
If a deal of type B (Booking) with a matching TourCode is cancelled, leaving a Party empty, the last used party number (Parties) remains unchanged, and other party numbers are not adjusted.
If a deal of type O (Option) with a matching TourCode transitions to Booking (Option to Booking), the party number for the travelers is updated to last used party number + 1, and the allotment table entry is adjusted to reflect the new last used party number.
Deals Section

The Deals section lists all deals associated with this GroupTour Allotment, categorized by deal type.
Bookings are displayed first, followed by Options.
Clicking on Code navigates to Deal Details for each list entry.
Deal list filtering is supported by deal type – Show only Options or Show only Bookings.
Ticket Stock Section

The Ticket Stock section is only accessible for tenants with activated Ticket Stock functionality in Victoury.
It lists all TicketStock entries with a matching TourCode to this GroupTour Allotment, sorted by Ticket Date in ascending order.
Click on Ticket No. to access TicketStock details for each list entry.
Supplier Invoices Section

This section displays all Supplier Invoices generated for this GroupTour Allotment.
Tourleaders Section

It lists all tour leaders associated with this GroupTour Allotment.
Click on Personal Name or Family Name to access Person details for each list entry.
Notes Section

This section lists all notes added for this GroupTour Allotment.
Tasks Section

It lists all tasks assigned for this GroupTour Allotment.
Travelers Tab

General Information Section

This section provides average information related to this GroupTour Allotment.
Travelers Section

It lists travelers grouped by Deals for this GroupTour Allotment.
Flight Itinerary Tab
Itineraries Section
This section displays itineraries and itinerary segments added for this GroupTour Allotment and facilitates the addition of new itineraries and segments. When this GroupTour Allotment is booked, the Booking Wizard automatically incorporates the itineraries and their segments into the booking process, unless manually removed by the operator.
Profit/Margin Tab

Victoury enables real-time calculation of profit/margin upon selecting this tab.
Operators can view financial details for either Invoiced or Not Invoiced Deals:
- GroupTour Section
- Lists all “Buy” and “Variable/Buy” type prices utilized in calculating the Total Buy Exclusive Tax GroupTour – displays Product Name, an icon indicating if pricing is per person, along with Price Info in home currency for each.
- Optionals Section
- Lists all arrangements contributing to the Total Buy Exclusive Tax Other calculation – displays Product Name, an icon indicating if pricing is per person, alongside Price Info in home currency for each.
- Totals Section
- Total Buy Exclusive Tax GroupTour: currency and amount.
- Total Buy Exclusive Tax Other: currency and amount.
- Total Buy Exclusive Tax.
- Margin.
- Markup %.
- Profit %.
- Total Sell Exclusive Tax GroupTour.
- Total Sell Exclusive Tax Other – other arrangements aside from the GroupTour.
- Total Sell Exclusive Tax.
Right column:
- Number of persons – total number of travelers in all type B (Bookings) deals not Canceled for this GroupTour Allotment.
Total Buy Exclusive Tax GroupTour
Initially, the system tallies the total number of travelers from all type B (Bookings) deals not Canceled for this GroupTour Allotment.
Simultaneously, it gathers all “Buy” and “Variable/Buy” type prices for supplements with an Attribute = Buy from the GroupTour package, applicable when the total number of travelers from all type B deals not Canceled lies within the set minimum and maximum number of persons.
Should multiple prices match the allotment period and the minimum and maximum number of persons criteria, the system selects the most cost-effective option.
Subsequently, the system aggregates the values of Buy Unit Price in home currency for all identified “Buy” and “Variable/Buy” type prices and multiplies them by the total number of travelers from all type B (Bookings) deals not Canceled for this GroupTour Allotment.
The system also collects all “Buy” and “Variable/Buy” type prices for supplements with an Attribute = Buy from the GroupTour package, applicable when the total number of travelers from all type B deals not Canceled aligns with the set minimum and maximum number of persons, except Is per person is false.
Should multiple prices correspond to the allotment period, the system selects the most affordable option.
The system aggregates the values of Buy Unit Price in home currency for all identified prices.
Ultimately, the system sums these two aggregates to determine the Total Buy Exclusive Tax GroupTour.
Total Buy Exclusive Tax Other
The system calculates the sum of all Buy Exclusive Tax HC values for all non-GroupTour arrangements from all type B (Bookings) deals not Canceled for this GroupTour Allotment.
Additionally, it aggregates the total Buy Prices converted into Home Currency for all TicketStock entries related to this GroupTour Allotment.
Finally, it adds these sums to ascertain the Total Buy Exclusive Tax Other.
Total Buy Exclusive Tax
Sum of Total Buy Exclusive Tax GroupTour + Total Buy Exclusive Tax Other.
Total Sell Exclusive Tax GroupTour
The system aggregates all Sell Exclusive Tax HC values for all GroupTour arrangements from all type B (Bookings) deals not Canceled for this GroupTour Allotment.
Total Sell Exclusive Tax Other
The system calculates the sum of all Sell Exclusive Tax HC values for all non-GroupTour arrangements from all type B (Bookings) deals not Canceled for this GroupTour Allotment.
Total Sell Exclusive Tax
Sum of Total Sell Exclusive Tax GroupTour + Total Sell Exclusive Tax Other.
Difference between Total Sell Exclusive Tax and Total Buy Exclusive Tax.
Markup %
(Total Sell Exclusive Tax / Total Buy Exclusive Tax) – 1
Profit %
1 – (Total Buy Exclusive Tax / Total Sell Exclusive Tax)
Entering A Supplier Invoice For One or More Buy Products of A GroupTour Allotment
Selecting this function for a chosen GroupTour Allotment prompts Victoury to create a supplier invoice arrangement for each identified buy price.
Supplier Invoices associated with GroupTour Allotments function similarly to regular Supplier Invoices linked to arrangements.
The system presents the list of Buy type prices to the operator, allowing the selection of those for which a supplier invoice is to be entered, mirroring the process for arranging supplier invoices for bookings.