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Placeholders Defined in Victoury

For email sending, we utilize the Text Library. For more information about the Text Library feature, visit the article link provided.

1. Placeholders used in Deals – Documents and Email tabs for sending emails

These can be used as #{{placeholdername}} in your texts. When the email is generated by the system, these will automatically be replaced with the corresponding information.

General placeholders

  • {{currentDate}} – for the current date
  • {{externalUrl}} – for the external URL of the website (e.g., base-href where PDF document links should lead)
  • {{logo}} – for the tenant’s logo
  • {{userBrandLogo}} – for the brand logo of the operator
  • {{signature}} – for the operator’s signature (within the signature field, placeholders #{{logo}} and #{{userBrandLogo}} may be used)

Placeholders replaced with information from the Deal, if the email is generated in relation to a deal:

  • {{authorName}} – the name of the deal’s author/operator
  • {{bookingCode}} – the deal’s code
  • {{startDate}} – the deal’s start date
  • {{mainTravelerName}} – the salutation, first name, and last name of the main traveler
  • {{reservationText}} – the reservation text set for the deal
  • {{travelersWithBirthdates}} – a list of travelers and their birth dates
  • {{language}} – the language of the deal
  • {{bookingDestination}} – the first destination set for the deal
  • {{reservationBrandLogo}} – the brand logo of the deal
  • {{travelersWithPassportInfo}} – personal name, family name of travelers and their passport information
  • {{url}} – the current document’s URL (on the Deal/Documents tab)
  • {{reservationTripProductMainImage}} – the main image of the CY product from the trip used as the destination image (can be set to any other product category upon request)
  • {{reservationArrangementProductMainImage}} – the main image of the CY product from the arrangements (if no trip is associated with the deal)
  • {{customer}} – salutation, first name, and last name of the customer
  • {{companyInfo}} – uses brand name, address, phone, email if set; otherwise, data from settings/general is used
  • {{reservationSalesAgent}} – the name of the sales agent as set for the deal
  • {{reservationSalesAgentEmail}} – the email of the sales agent set for the deal

These placeholders can be set directly in Deals/Emails, in the Body of the New Email. Placeholders will be automatically replaced based on document types defined in Victoury. The Preview mode allows you to check if the placeholders are correctly replaced.

Document URLs Placeholders

These placeholders function only for documents that have been generated in Deal details, DOCUMENTS tab, or Customer Invoice / Print. Victoury searches for the last generated document by document type and related entity.

  • {{reservationTravelplanProgrammeUrl}} – for the reservation travelplan (Programme de voyage, Travel Plan Reservation or Reservation TravelPlan) document’s URL when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationTravelplanProgrammeV2Url}} – for the reservation travelplan (Reservation TravelPlan) version 2 document’s URL when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationTravelplanFinalUrl}} – for the reservation travelplan final (Carnet de voyage) document’s URL when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationTravelplanFinalV2Url}} – for the reservation travelplan final (Carnet de voyage) version 2 document’s URL when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationReservationUrl}} – for the reservation (Devis, Bulletin) document’s URL when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationReservationV2Url}} – for the reservation (Devis, Bulletin) version 2 document’s URL when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationTravelplanItineraryUrl}} – for the reservation travelplan without price section version 2 document’s URL when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationProformaUrl}} – for the reservation proforma document’s URL when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationPriceOfferUrl}} – for the reservation price offer document’s URL when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationGroupTourProductTravelplanUrl}} – for the product travelplan document’s URL of the grouptour product in the deal when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{customerInvoiceURL}} – for the customer invoice version 2 document’s URL when on Customer Invoice/Email option

Button Display Placeholders

  • {{reservationTravelplanProgrammeButton}} – for the reservation travelplan (Programme de voyage, Travel Plan Reservation or Reservation TravelPlan) document’s button when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationTravelplanProgrammeV2Button}} – for the reservation travelplan (Reservation TravelPlan) version 2 document’s button when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationTravelplanFinalButton}} – for the reservation travelplan final (Carnet de voyage) document’s button when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationTravelplanFinalV2Button}} – for the reservation travelplan final (Carnet de voyage) version 2 document’s button when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationReservationButton}}- for the reservation (Devis, Bulletin) document’s button when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationReservationV2Button}} – for the reservation (Devis, Bulletin) version 2 document’s button when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationTravelplanItineraryButton}} – for the reservation travelplan without price section version 2 document’s button when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationProformaButton}} – for the reservation proforma document’s button when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationPriceOfferButton}} – for the reservation price offer document’s button when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{reservationGroupTourProductTravelplanButton}} – for the product travelplan document’s button of the grouptour product in the deal when on Deal/Email tab
  • {{customerInvoiceButton}} – for the customer invoice version 2 document’s button when on Customer Invoice/Email option

Room Assignment Placeholders Related to Trip Deals

In the trip of a deal, Editor section/TRAVELERS tab, travelers can be assigned to different rooms.

Based on this information, when sending email from Documents tab or Email tab, following placeholder is to be used:

  • {{tripRoomAssignments}}

The assignment will be visible as below:

Arrangement Information Placeholders

  • {{embarkAddress}} – Embark Location address name
  • {{embarkLocation}} – Embark Location name
  • {{disembarkAddress}} – Disembark Location address name
  • {{disembarkLocation}} – Disembark Location name
  • {{sellMultiplier}} – Arrangement Sell Multiplier
  • {{sellQuantity}} – Arrangement Sell Quantity
  • {{confirmationNumber}} – Arrangement Confirmation Number
  • {{productBegin}} – Arrangement Start date
  • {{productEnd}} – Arrangement End date
  • {{persons}} – Number of persons or arrangement
  • {{priceType1Code}} – Arrangement Price Type 1 Code
  • {{priceType2Code}} – Arrangement Price Type 2 Code
  • {{priceType3Code}} – Arrangement Price Type 3 Code
  • {{priceType4Code}} – Arrangement Price Type 4 Code
  • {{priceType1}} – Arrangement Price Type 1 Label
  • {{priceType2}} – Arrangement Price Type 2 Label
  • {{priceType3}} – Arrangement Price Type 3 Label
  • {{priceType4}} – Arrangement Price Type 4 Label
  • {{productCode}} – Arrangement Product Code
  • {{invoiceText}} – Arrangement Invoice text
  • {{remarks}} – Arrangement Remarks

2. Placeholders Used in Supplier Order / Quote Emails

Subject of the email

value from title of the text library entry where label is “orderEmail”

Placeholders that can be used in the Subject:

  • {{bookingCode}} – for the code of the deal
  • {{bookingDestination}} – first destination set for the deal
  • {{mainTravelerName}} – for the salutation, first name and last name of the main traveler

Message of the email

Formed by the below sections:

  • Header – placeholder for {{orderHeader}} value from Supplier/Order Header – if no value found there – use text library entry where label = orderHeader
  • Order Subtext – placeholder for {{orderSubtext}} value from Supplier/Order Text – if no value found there – use text library entry where label = orderSubtext
  • Quote Subtext – placeholder for {{quoteSubtext}} value from text library entry where label = orderSubtext
  • Body – placeholder for {{orderBody}} value from text library entry where label = orderBody

Placeholders that can be used in the message body:

  • {{logo}} value for Logo (brand logo – if no brand, logo from settings/ general) {{currentDate}} value: current date (dateFormat as in parameters)
  • {{customer}} salutation personal name family name of the mainPerson of the customer
  • {{travelersWithBirthdates}} salutation personal name family name of the travelers and their birthdates (dateFormat as in parameters)
  • {{travelersWithPassportInfo}} salutation personal name family name of the travelers and their passport information for each traveler
  • {{orderRemarks}} Value from Supplier Order Remark field
  • {{orderSignature}}
    • if there is one user marked as orderSigningUser in General settings – the Signature – multilanguage of the user selected is retrieved
    • if there is no orderSigningUser set, the signature of the author of the order is retrieved
  • {{companyInfo}}
    • if there is a brand set on reservation level we use from brand: name, address, phone, email
    • if no brand set we use data from settings/general
  • {{travelersWithInsuranceAmount}} – Insurance amount per person (traveler first name + last name + insurance amount per traveler)
  • {{reservationDateDue}} – Date when the insurance is paid (uses value from the down payment date from the customer payments related to the deal for each insurance arrangement)

Placeholders for order products:

  • Order Products – placeholder for services to be booked {{orderProducts}}, for each product of the order is used the value from body of the text library entry where label is “orderProduct” based on product category – where product category is the same as text library entry category

Placeholders for products retrieving the information from Arrangement – can be used only related to an order product:

  • {{orderProductOrderText}} – Order text
  • {{orderProductOrderRemarks}} – Order Remark
  • {{orderProductProductCode}} – Product code
  • {{orderProductProductName}} – Product name
  • {{orderProductProductCategory}} – Product category
  • {{orderProductProductBegin}} – Begin date
  • {{orderProductProductEnd}} – End date
  • {{orderProductStartTime}} – Product start time
  • {{orderProductEndTime}} – Product End Time
  • {{orderProductCountryArea}} – Country Area name
  • {{orderProductCountryAreaCode}} – Country Area code
  • {{orderProductReservationText}} – Reservation text
  • {{orderProductPriceType1}} – Price Type 1 label
  • {{orderProductPriceType2}} – Price Type 2 label
  • {{orderProductPriceType3}} – Price Type 3 label
  • {{orderProductPriceType4}} – Price Type 4 label
  • {{orderProductPriceType1Code}} – Price Type 1 code
  • {{orderProductPriceType2Code}} – Price Type 2 code
  • {{orderProductPriceType3Code}} – Price Type 3 code
  • {{orderProductPriceType4Code}} – Price Type 4 code
  • {{arrangementTravelers}} – Assigned travelers

3. Placeholders Used For Customer Details Tasks And Deal Assignment in The Pipeline

Add to Google calendar

  • {{googleCalendarUrl}}
  • {{googleCalendarButton}}
  • summary – task title – tag the user using @+user name
  • description – enter the task details

Download ICS file

  • {{icsDownloadUrl}}
  • {{icsDownloadButton}}

Add to Office 365 calendar

  • {{officeCalendarUrl}}
  • {{officeCalendarButton}}

Reservation details placeholders related to the task

  • {{reservationUrl}}
  • {{reservationButton}}

Task details placeholders

  • {{taskTitle}}
  • {{taskDetailUrl}}
  • {{taskDetailButton}}
  • {{taskAssignedUsers}}
  • {{taskDueDate}}

Text library to be used when assigning the task from Customer details

  • label = taskAssignmentCustomer
  • Type = Template
  • the Title of the task will be the Subject of the email sent
  • the placeholders are to be set in the Body of the Text Library

Text library to be used when assigning a Deal to another user, from Pipeline

  • label = taskAssignmentOperator
  • Type = Template
  • the Title of the task will be the Subject of the email sent
  • the placeholders are to be set in the Body of the Text Library

4. Mollie Payment placeholder

Only for tenants which use Mollie as integrated payment system – working only with Mollie authorization API key

  • {{molliePaymentUrl}}

The placeholder is related to the deal as payment may be done even if there is no customer invoice yet created. Therefore the placeholder may be used in any email which is related to the deal – not just in the customer invoice email.

How does the placeholder work?

The amount to be paid is always the real time one, when the placeholder is replaced – generated based on the customer payment entry based on the below logic:

– if there is no customer payment entry related to the deal or there is no Down Payment or Rest Payment due date in the past – the placeholder will not create the URL

– if there is a customer payment entry related to the deal and Rest Payment field value is > 0 and the Rest Payment due date is < = than the current date – the amount to be paid will be the total amount

– if there is a customer payment entry related to the deal and the Down Payment date due is < than the current date AND the Down Payment field value is > 0 – the amount to be paid will be the down payment