Deals – Accessing The Deal Details
All deals can be found in the Deals list accessible from the main left menu.

Deal Details
From the deal details, you may export data to an Excel file using the EXPORT XLS button.
If the deal is of type O (Option), you may save the deal as a Booking (B type) using the SAVE AS BOOKING button from the deal details:

For O (Option) type deals, a Customer Invoice cannot be created. To create a Customer Invoice, you must first save the option as a booking, as explained above.
Deal Tabs
In Deal details, there are 4 tabs:
- Deal
- Arrangements
- Documents
- History

Deal Tab
- Customer Information section with Remarks and Reservation Text
- Deal Status Timeline
- showing the status of the deal updated based on certain actions. Settings – Action – Statuses – more about setting statuses.
- Deal Information
- Linked Trip (if there is a trip linked to a reservation, a link to the trip is displayed in this section). See more about Trip Designer.
- Travelers
- Deal Totals
- Itinerary
- more about setting Itineraries: How to link an Itinerary (route) to an arrangement
- Operations
- Customer Invoices – How to create a customer invoice
- Customer Payments – How to receive payment from a customer
- Supplier Invoices – How to create a supplier invoice
- Supplier Quotes/Orders – How to create supplier orders/quotes
- Tasks – How to create and assign tasks
- Notes (reminders)
- Timeline – displays certain actions such as manual status changes in the deal’s timeline or create supplier orders.
The Travelers Table
In this table, we display information grouped by traveler.

Sell Amount by Traveler
- Total Sell column – the sum of the total sell price, including tax, of all arrangements to which the traveler is assigned, by reservation.
- Ins. column – the price of insurance calculated per traveler.
- Sell column – the custom sell price with tax, excluding insurance.
- The Sell column allows for setting a different price for each traveler than that calculated as the sum of the total sell price, including tax, of all arrangements to which the traveler is assigned.
- The prices from the Sell column define the final price of the deal, and the insurance will be recalculated based on the custom price (depending on whether it increases or decreases the amount per traveler compared to the sum of arrangements to which the traveler is assigned).
- If the deal is edited, an arrangement is deleted, or a new arrangement is added after the custom amount by traveler is added, the new custom amount by traveler will represent the sum of the arrangement values by traveler, and the difference (with tax) originally calculated between the custom amount by traveler and the sum of original arrangement values.

- Profit % column – the profit calculated per traveler.
- Arr. column – the number of arrangements to which the traveler is assigned.
- Party No. column – the party to which the traveler pertains.
Traveler Table – Header Section

- Party no. – if only one party is created, the number of the party will be 0.
- Total Sell – the total with tax calculated as the sum of the arrangements.
- Total Insurance – the total of the insurances.
- Overall Total – the total calculated based on the custom amounts set in the Sell column, which is actually the final price of the deal.
- Profit % – the total of the profit calculated for the deal.
Add, Edit and Delete Travelers
From the ACTIONS button, you may edit or delete travelers.
To add new travelers, use the ADD TRAVELERS button.

Add A New Traveler Party
To create a new Party, click the CREATE PARTY button. Each time this button is clicked, a new Party No. is created.
Drag and drop travelers to the new Party No.

The header of each Party No. table contains the totals calculated (split) per traveler assigned to that Party.
Show All Assignments
Displays the list of travelers and the list of arrangements to which each traveler is assigned.

Applied Tax

The tax applied on the difference between the custom amount by traveler (amount from the Travelers table – Sell column) and the Total Sell from arrangements.
The applied tax is calculated on the total of all traveler custom amounts (Travelers table/Sell column) minus the total sell (total sell including tax of all arrangements).
Deal Totals

- Total Buy is the total buy including tax.
- Total Sell is the total sell excluding tax.
- Commission: Commission including Tax.
- Net Total: Total excluding tax minus commission.
- Tax on Margin: if tax on margin is applied to arrangements, then Tax on Margin is not 0.
- Tax: Other taxes, if any, depending on product prices and the setting of the taxes.
- Total Incl. tax: Net total sell plus tax on margin plus other tax.
- Margin percentage: Calculated from the sell price without deduction.
- Margin net percentage – Calculated from the sell price with deduction.
- Profit net percentage = Calculated as (1 – total Buy Price / (total Sell Price NoTax – deduction)) * 100.
- Profit Net = total Sell Price NoTax – Deduction – Total Buy Price (Margin Net)
- Calculated depending on the following:
- If there is a final Supplier Invoice added – taken from the total invoiced by the supplier * buy exchange rate).
- If there is no final Supplier Invoice, and if calculate_margin_with_buy_ex_tax = false, this is the total of the Buy Total Price HC fields of arrangements.
- If there is no final Supplier Invoice, and if calculate_margin_with_buy_ex_tax = true, this is the total of the Buy Total Price Exclusive Tax HC fields of arrangements.
- Calculated depending on the following:
More info about how to set up Taxes here.
Arrangements Tab
The list of all products booked in a deal.
In this tab, you may edit price details, change traveler assignments, delete, or add new arrangements.
To delete an arrangement, you may select the arrangement from the list and from the ACTIONS button, select the DELETE option, or you may use the delete icon displayed when hovering over each arrangement.

Documents Tab
In the DOCUMENTS tab, we generate and display all the templates personalized for each tenant upon request (Proforma Invoices, Travel Plans, etc.).
Each document can be printed, downloaded, or sent by email from the documents tab.

Emails Tab
We display all emails sent related to the deal.

History Tab
In case you import data from a back-office environment, it is possible to keep a history of entries.